Monthly Archives: April 2013

Nerd love

This post is brought to you by a crushing sense of guilt. I haven’t blogged here for ages. AGES. I just haven’t made the time (note the honesty there: I could have had the time).

I’ll slip in the news that I have dropped out of my physics course. It was just too much to cope with at the moment. I don’t feel guilty; I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’ll pick it up again when I’m in a position to do the course, and myself, justice.

Anyway: it’s Easter, and it’s April Fools’ Day, so here’s a little something from one nerd to lovers everywhere. If you’re going to propose, do it in style. Or memorably. Or nerdily.

How nerds propose: an academic paper.

Will you consent to an indefinite two-body interaction?