Category Archives: Funny

Things that amuse me

Nerd love

This post is brought to you by a crushing sense of guilt. I haven’t blogged here for ages. AGES. I just haven’t made the time (note the honesty there: I could have had the time).

I’ll slip in the news that I have dropped out of my physics course. It was just too much to cope with at the moment. I don’t feel guilty; I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’ll pick it up again when I’m in a position to do the course, and myself, justice.

Anyway: it’s Easter, and it’s April Fools’ Day, so here’s a little something from one nerd to lovers everywhere. If you’re going to propose, do it in style. Or memorably. Or nerdily.

How nerds propose: an academic paper.

Will you consent to an indefinite two-body interaction?

A Robin Ince post on atheism and drinking

I do like Robin Ince. He’s funny, clever and generous of thought. This is a good post, and reflects my feelings on the matter. I also like how you can chart his drinking progress as the blog progresses – there is at least one paragraph that has wandered into a ditch!


Robinince's Blog

Take this as you will, that is the way of things. You have probably read this before, written by other people in a more pertinent and concise manner, but if you have a minute or two and nothing better to do…


About a month ago, someone asked if I felt i was a bit zealous with my atheism. I asked them for some evidence of my zealotry (yes, always a stickler for evidence, damn these scientists muttering in my mind) and they politely backed down as they realised that my zealotry was based on presumptions. 

This may be due to my Christmas shows, Nine Lessons and Carols for Godless people, which a few people seem to imagine is some rally where a gathering of excited atheists strip naked, smear themselves in the offal of dismembered papal emissaries and scream banshee-like as the high priest Richard Dawkins rears up on…

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Why I love science

Or, at least, this is one of the reasons I love science…

Take a look at this article in Nature. It’s interesting, yes – especially if you understand anything of quantum gases. But it’s the comments that made me laugh!

The article also underlines our everyday misunderstanding of and misuse of terms such as ‘temperature’ and ‘heat’.

Dive in!

Nature article

Science also invites respectful, light-hearted banter. Compare this to the trolling and abuse you often see in the comments sections of blogs and YouTube…